There a lot of quality premade covers in your shop, how do I decide which one is right for my book? Can you customize a premade book cover? Can you create a full series based on an existing cover art in your shop? I’m glad to answer all of these questions and any other you may have related to your project. Feel free to contact me via the form on this page and I’ll get back to you within the next two business days.
If you would like to place an order for an available premade book cover design, please use the special order form that can be found on the same page as your chosen cover art.
Action and adventure| Fantasy | Dystopia | Generic & Abstract | Historical | Horror | New adult | Paranormal and Sci-Fi | Romance | Christmas romance | Historical Romance | Office/Boss Romance | Shifter Romance | Small Town Romance | Travel Romance | Women’s fiction | Self-help & business | Thriller | Young adult